
June 2, 2008 7:29 pm GMT-0700 | In Life

针对上次那篇 培养自制力,Eric Yu 同学来信说:



比如我计划今天早上8:30 – 9:30阅读Google Reader上的文章,然后完成功能A的代码编写,包括单元测试。但是即使是这么简单的两个任务,也很具体了,还是不能很好的执行。就比如我在读文章的时候看到你这篇文章,很有同感,忍不住要思考一下,然后就超过预期的时间了(如果你的文章有一些link,我又去看这些link,然后递归直到吃午饭为止都有可能),然后就会影响后面的计划,然后就恶性循环。我也尽力了我想,惩罚自己其实很难:-)。





另一个我一直觉得牛人和凡人的区别是,牛人并不是不犯错误,而是知道自己或者别人可能会在什么地方犯错误并提前加以防范。牛人在代码里放 assert,并不是因为自己的代码有问题,而是为了将来代码被人拿去乱改的时候防止一些错误。就像汽车保险杠,平时我们并不拿它来撞墙。事实上,工业界 fail-safe 的设计随处可见,可是具体到个人的工作习惯,却不见得人人都有这个思维方式。

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你是否熟悉 CPR(心肺复苏/人工呼吸)?



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另一个不太相关的问题,有人说过,科学家的思维方式其实和侦探很像,侦破客观世界奥秘,和侦探破案的过程大同小异。这一点在诺贝尔奖得主 Eric Cornell 截肢后的见面会上又有体现:

Question: In your work you solve physics problems. What was it like for you to be the subject really now of this mysterious disease that for many is still baffling?

Eric: It’s interesting to be a professional scientist and to be the subject of treatment and study. You look at the physicians and nurses who are trying to understand what’s wrong with you and make you better and you look at them as colleagues, you know, and you try to avoid second guessing them because they know much more about medicine than you do. But you also sort of see the wheels turning in their heads as they’re trying to rule this out and rule that out, let’s do this test. It’s a lot like what I do in the lab, it just matters more, or at least it did to me at the time.

Question: Did you find yourself getting involved at all in the treatment?

Eric: Yes. They’d say, “Well, we think this is probably an allergy and not an infection.” I had some little rash, which was a very serious thing because a rash could have been a symptom of the disease coming back. So they had to understand what the rash was. They were discussing in a scientific way among themselves and I wanted to chime in, “Well, have you ruled this out, ruled this out.” It would have been fun in a way, in fact it was fun in a way, since I wasn’t able to do my own research during that time.


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  1. 赞。。。

    Comment by kisstar — June 3, 2008 5:20 am GMT-0700 #

  2. I think the key is to have a strong interest and dedication on something. The desire matters.

    As Steve Jobs suggested, find what you love. I think majority of people fail to do that because they thought they could not.

    Comment by ji — June 6, 2008 4:46 am GMT-0700 #

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